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What is HypnoBirthing? 


HypnoBirthing International (The Mongan Method - named after founder Marie Mongan) is a birth education program that will give you the tools and information you need to have your best possible birth experience. 


Through a combination of education, breathing techniques, visualisations, affirmations, deep relaxation and hypnosis you will be empowered to approach your birthing day with calm, confidence and excitement and feel prepared to make informed choices for whatever turn your birthing takes.

Utilising the power of hypnosis to access the subconscious mind, HypnoBirthing dispels any myths and fears that may cause anxiety and negative expectations about birth. 


The 5 sessions have been specially designed in order to best prepare you for a gentle, calm and positive birth experience. This allows time to practice the techniques learnt each week, both in class and at home,  and an opportunity to reflect and then ask any questions that may come up. It's also a very special time to bond with your birth partner in the lead up to your baby's birth. 

You can start HypnoBirthing preparations from 20 weeks on and ideally no later than 34 weeks to ensure you have ample time to complete the 5 week course and practice the techniques prior to birth. 

Why HypnoBirthing?

  • Experience less pain, fear and worry before and during birth

  • Gain the confidence and knowledge to make informed decisions and birth preferences you are comfortable with

  • Provides your birth partner with practical tools to support you and advocate on your behalf

  • Reduce the likelihood of needing any interventions, pain medications and surgical birth

    • 53% reduction in C-sections (17% vs  32% Australian national average)

    • 77% of HypnoBirthing mothers who birthed vaginally did so without epidural anaesthesia

  • Reduce the likelihood of your baby experiencing birth trauma

  • Enjoy the most positive birth experience possible for you, your family and your baby

VIsit HypnoBirthing International in Australia for more information

Flow by Emma offers small group classes (maximum 4 couples) at The Yoga Space, located in Dee Why, Sydney NSW. Classes can be attended via Zoom in the event of illness or isolation requirements. Private sessions are also available on request. 

GROUP COURSE  $600 per couple 

Social distancing and additional hygiene measures in place. Alternate arrangements can be made should you or your partner be unable to attend due to illness. Let's stay well and navigate this uncertainty together. If you are experiencing financial hardship please enquire about payment options. 

PRIVATE COURSE $850 per couple

In the comfort of your own home. 

REFRESHER COURSES also available. Tailored to your needs

as you get back into a HypnoBirthing state of mind. 


Course includes:


  • 5 x 2.5 Hour Sessions

  • The HypnoBirthing Book  – The Mongan Method

  • Australian Rainbow Relaxation and birth affirmations MP3

  • Beautifully bound class handouts including relaxation scripts

  • Birth preferences template

  • Handouts for your birth partner.


© 2020 Flow by Emma 

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